Author Archives: Carrie Rhodes

San Sebastián Festival

The San Sebastián Festival might be one of the most celebrated and crowded festivals on the entire island. It takes place all over the old city (not just at Calle San Sebastián) on the second or third week of January every year. Approximately 500,000 people are present in this cultural event. It lasts four days…

ArtCenter in Cuba

ArtCenter traveled to Cuba in Early October. Here is a bit of what they did there: Fresh Eyes Cuba is a 14 week transdisciplinary studio course organized around a 10-day immersive trip to Havana, Cuba in early October. Faculty and students lived in Havana and collaborated with the Instituto de Diseño (ISDi), Cuba’s design school….

Vámonos Tours group at Samuel Lind Workshop

Vámonos Tours Offers Language Immersion in the Caribbean

Article on Vámonos Tours Excerpt Published in Courier Magazine; November 2016 Edition page 42 Vámonos Tours engages students with programs that combine cultural exchange, service projects and active adventure. On a zipline and nature excursion in Puerto Rico, students hike with local organic farmers and spelunk through hidden caves. “We make an effort to add Puerto Rican…

Cuba: Travel tips and reviews

Reposting of Paul Schmitz’s blog Leadership Inside Out MAY 30, 2016 Cuba: Travel tips and reviews This is a more detailed review of my trip than my Huffington Post essay of observations and reflections. Getting in/Visas. From what I have read, there will be many flights a week from the U.S. in just a few months. In…

PuertoRico’s Fiscal Challenges and Conducting Meetings and Conventions On The Island Fiscal Situation Statement

As the Puerto Rico Government, the Obama Administration, the US Congress, and Bondholders work together to address Puerto Rico’s Economic and Fiscal Situation to put into place important measures providing the Island with a way to restructure its debt and revive its economy, the tourism business sector, specifically the groups and conventions segment is strong…

Student in El Yunque rain forest in Puerto Rico

A Passion for Puerto Rico

Excpert Published in Courier Magazine; April 2015 Edition page 40 Compiled By: Pat Henderson During his career as a middle school and high school language teacher, Jorge Pardo organized immersion tours to Puerto Rico. As he was taking his students on these educational trips, his passion for the northeastern Caribbean island grew and led to…

Morrill Spanish Club Tours Puerto Rico

Excerpt As published in the Nebraska Star-Herald Newpaper; July 2, 2014 By: Sara Beyer Six members of the Morrill High School Spanish Club and their sponsor have returned from a whirlwind fiveday, four-night tour of Puerto Rico. Traveling were recent graduates Megan Fish, Amanda Kaufman, Ana Rodriguez, and Athena Tarin; up-coming senior Traci Sinner; up-coming…

Group at Cabo Rojo in Puerto Rico

Medford High School students, faculty take in sights in Puerto Rico

Excerpt from Article on published May 7, 2013 By Alyssa Valentyn Puerto Rico literally means “rich port,” for all its wealth and beauty. For the 44 Medford High School students and faculty who traveled to the island this past February vacation, it was more than just beautiful: it was rich in memories we’ll never…

Vámonos Tours student group

Taking Students Off the Beaten Path in Puerto Rico

NTA Trip Planner; 2012-2013 page 56 NTA tour operator Jorge Pardo’s company Vámonos Tours specializes in cultural immersion student tours of Puerto Rico, where Pardo was born and raised. While he moved to the United States when he was 22, he studied romance languages abroad during college. He taught Spanish and French at the middle and high school level for 18 years. After taking students on educational tours…